Stribley Community Center


Project Highlights

Client: City of Stockton
Location: Stockton, California
28,000 Square Feet
AIA, Sierra Valley: Honor Award for Excellence in Design
City of Stockton, Planning Commission, Award of Excellence

Project Overview

LDA worked with the City of Stockton to create their ‘dream’ community center.  Through extensive public outreach and creative design, LDA redeveloped a facility that is not only a traditional community center but has also become a community resource center.
The project included a complete refurbishment of the existing facility and an addition – doubling the size to 28,000 sf.  The complex now includes a branch library location, gymnastics center, full basketball court, meeting areas, concessions and small waterpark for the local youth. A unique aspect of this facility is that it also includes a full kitchen component, supplying meals to those in need.